South Carolina Senior Women's Golf Association
October 9, 2023
Greenwood Country Club
Cecelia Purvis called the meeting to order and introduced the Board Members.
There were no minutes to read due to the brief introduction to new Board members, no business was discussed and Lola Bradshaw did state the Treasure's Report for 2023.
Treasurer's Report:
Lola Bradshaw read her report, which the current numbers were not available at updating:
1/14/23 Balance $8,155.08
Deposits (dues) $5620.00
Expenses $4570.07
10/10/23 Balance $9,205.01
Membership/Website Chairman's Report:
Angie Ebey shared the following information
For the Website, we are starting to move towards paying and registering for both Membership and Tournaments online. We are hoping to have the ability to pay by Credit Card for Membership by the end of the year and move towards paying for the Tournaments by Credit Card only for the first event we have in April.
Please read any email you receive from the SCSWGA as they will be explain further details on the process.
Deckie Jones also stated that we all need to help bring in new members, we are all getting older and we love the game of golf, lets help keep this organization going.
There was a decision made by the Board to let ONLY the Legends play from the Forward tees if available with their handicap adjusted accordingly.
Tournament Schedule for 2024:
Caroline has secured the following dates and sites for next year:
April 8th, Country Club of Newberry
May 6th, Links at Stony Point
June 17th, Golden Hills Golf Club
August 26th, Wescott Plantation
September 17th, Orangeburg Country Club
October 7 & 8, Championship at Cat Island
Cecelia presented :
Championship Flight medals
Closest to par three pins for today's play.
This year's Mary Lou Crowder Award to Deckie Jones.
Meeting adjourned by Cecelia.
Respectfully submitted,
Angie Ebey